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driving safety

August 5, 2015

Why You Shouldn’t Cut Across Parking Lots

Getting stuck in traffic is a terrible feeling, but when you live in the city, it comes with the territory. The Atlantic estimates that Americans spend about 38 hours a year stuck in traffic. If you consider how busy you are, it makes sense to try to save every minute possible. Unfortunately, when it comes […]
March 7, 2015

5 Things to Keep in Mind for Springtime Driving

For many, the arrival of spring is cause for celebration. But as always, when getting in your vehicle, it’s important to stay alert and vigilant about safety. With the arrival of spring comes some new challenges for drivers. Keep these tips in mind, whether you’re driving across town or have a longer road trip in […]
July 22, 2014

5 Tips for Driving Around Motorcycles

As you’re driving around this summer, you may notice an increase in motorcycle traffic. As you hear the roar of an engine or see one coming your way, keep these tips in mind to avoid any kind of incident between your car and a motorcycle. Look twice before turning left at an intersection. The number […]

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