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diciembre 13, 2022

5 Reasons You Need Surety Bonds for Your Business

Surety bonds provide a wide range of support for business owners. While they may seem like just another expense to some small business owners, they actually provide a number of key benefits like providing customers with a sense of confidence in the bonded company. If you are on the verge of starting a business or […]
julio 28, 2022

How Do Surety Bonds Benefit Businesses?

Surety bonds give investors and clients confidence in the financial integrity of your business. This article provides a definition of surety bonds and explores the reasons companies buy them. Keep reading to find out if your business could take advantage of surety bonds.   What Are Surety Bonds?   When companies buy surety bonds, they typically want […]
febrero 9, 2022

Do You Need to Bond Your Business?

With so many reported burglaries and “stranger danger” scares in the news, many people feel very uneasy about letting strangers into their homes. However, electricians, plumbers and contractors — among others — must enter the home in order to perform their jobs. While word of mouth referrals may help customers feel at ease in terms […]
marzo 24, 2017

Buying and Paying for a Surety Bond

As a business, you want to cover all your assets appropriately. Good customer service matters, and anyone wants to provide clients with top-notch results. However, sometimes things happen. A business may fail to complete an assignment that is has contractually promised. In these cases, the business may have to compensate the client for the incomplete […]
diciembre 16, 2015

Everyone Wants Their Contractor to Be Bonded

How do you find someone who can remodel your bathroom or put a new roof on your house? If you have a small job like replacing a broken window or installing a ceiling fan, you probably will do fine by hiring a handyman. If the job is more complex and costs more to complete, many […]
julio 7, 2015

How Surety Bonds Can Save the Day

Construction projects are the backbone of any construction company. Tight deadlines, logistical issues and pressures to complete the project within scope and budget are always present. With the need for so much coordination, it’s easy for vendors and contractors to drop the ball when it comes to delivering your products and supplies as scheduled, which […]
febrero 3, 2015

The Basics of Auto Dealer Bonds

In all 50 states, car dealerships are required to post an auto dealer bond — a type of commercial surety bond — in order to get fully licensed. Where insurance protects your business, bonds are designed to protect customers. Essentially, a bond acts as a contract between the dealership, customers and a surety company. If […]
noviembre 22, 2014

How a Bond Can Protect Your Business

As a contractor, you know all too well that your business requires a level of trust from your clients. Being that you must enter their homes, your reputation directly correlates with that trust and therefore your success. You may have some good word-of-mouth buzz and a few good reviews on Yelp, but how else can […]
septiembre 18, 2014

3 Common Surety Bonds

Many people don’t know what surety bonds are, let alone the fact that there are many types of surety bonds available for purchase. When you hire a contractor, plumber, electrician or anyone else to perform work in your home or place of business, it’s beneficial to hire a bonded professional. Why? If that contractor does […]
julio 30, 2014

What Are Performance Bonds?

Реrfоrmаnсе bоnds guаrаntее fоr thе sаtіsfасtоrу соmрlеtіоn оf а рrојесt. Тhіs wіll rеquіrе hаvіng а соllаtеrаl рrореrtу оr іnvеstmеnt tо bасk uр thе rеquіrеmеnts оf thе surеtу аgеnсу. А реrfоrmаnсе bоnd іs usuаllу іssuеd bу а bаnk оr аn іnsurаnсе соmраnу, bоth оf whісh асt аs а “surеtу.” Тhе gоvеrnmеnt rеquіrеs реrfоrmаnсе bоnds аnd рауmеnt […]

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