August 27, 2014
AgencyAre Your Car’s Tires Safe?
As you travel down the road at 50, 60 or 70 miles per hour, there’s only one thing that comes in contact with the pavement. Your tires. Unfortunately, many people try to ignore these important pieces of rubber and only think about replacing them when a state inspection mandates it. For optimal safety and performance, […]
August 18, 2014
AgencyWhy You Should Get Flood Insurance
Fact: Everyone lives in a flood zone. In the past five years alone, every state in America has experienced floods and/or flash floods. With just a few inches of floodwater in your home, your day will be ruined. It wreaks havoc on your property that can cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to […]
August 12, 2014
AgencyWhere Should You Store Your Motorcycle?
If you’re preparing for a lengthy vacation or just looking ahead to fall/winter, you may be looking for motorcycle storage options. Just like with your car, it’s always best to store your motorcycle indoors. Even though you can cover your motorcycle in your driveway, it’s still more susceptible to weather damage, animal nesting and theft. […]
August 6, 2014
AgencyHomeowners Insurance and Dog Bites
If you own a dog you need to be aware of how your homeowners insurance policy will handle a dog bite. According to the Insurance Information Institute, more than one-third of homeowners insurance claims in 2012 were for dog bites. Luckily, dog bites are typically covered under your standard homeowners insurance policy. Here are some […]
July 30, 2014
AgencyWhat Are Performance Bonds?
Реrfоrmаnсе bоnds guаrаntее fоr thе sаtіsfасtоrу соmрlеtіоn оf а рrојесt. Тhіs wіll rеquіrе hаvіng а соllаtеrаl рrореrtу оr іnvеstmеnt tо bасk uр thе rеquіrеmеnts оf thе surеtу аgеnсу. А реrfоrmаnсе bоnd іs usuаllу іssuеd bу а bаnk оr аn іnsurаnсе соmраnу, bоth оf whісh асt аs а “surеtу.” Тhе gоvеrnmеnt rеquіrеs реrfоrmаnсе bоnds аnd рауmеnt […]
July 22, 2014
Agency5 Tips for Driving Around Motorcycles
As you’re driving around this summer, you may notice an increase in motorcycle traffic. As you hear the roar of an engine or see one coming your way, keep these tips in mind to avoid any kind of incident between your car and a motorcycle. Look twice before turning left at an intersection. The number […]
July 16, 2014
AgencyHelp, I Don’t Think I Can Afford Renters Insurance!
The biggest reason that many people don’t invest in renter’s insurance is that they think it’s too expensive. We realize that most renters are both young and just starting out, or people whose budget is already stretched pretty thin. But what most folks don’t know is that renter’s insurance is much more affordable than many […]
July 10, 2014
Agency5 Tips for a Successful RV Trip
Going on an RV trip this summer or fall? RV vacations can provide fantastic family memories. The key is to make sure the memories are all positive ones, and that unexpected, undesirable issues are avoided! Here are five tips for a successful RV trip. Plan to set up during daylight. Backing an RV into a […]
June 24, 2014
AgencyWhy You Should Consider Travel Insurance
Why buy travel insurance? The main reason is that a vacation can be an expensive proposition, with a lot of nonrefundable costs in the event that it has to be cancelled or delayed at the last moment. If you have to cancel a vacation for any reason, such as an illness, a death in the […]
June 18, 2014
AgencyRemember to Buy Both Renters Insurance and Flood Insurance
As floods hit the United States this past spring, they served as a reminder to us all that it is important to invest in flood insurance. If you carry a mortgage on your home and live in a flood zone, you are most likely required to carry flood insurance by your mortgage company. Most homeowners who carry flood insurance […]