
October 6, 2021

The Risks of Driving Without Insurance

If the police have ever pulled you over, they have likely asked for proof of auto insurance. However, if you didn’t have auto insurance, you might have found yourself in hot water.  Driving without auto insurance is against the law for most drivers in most states. Therefore, getting coverage should be part of every driver’s […]
September 23, 2021

Improving Your Motorcycle Habits

Motorcyclists must follow high standards. Each state punishes reckless driving, particularly if the offender has previous citations on their record. Though you might feel tempted to burn rubber, prepare to face the consequences if you do.   If you receive charges while on your motorcycle, those will show up driving record. The more rules you break, […]
September 2, 2021

Understanding Flood Insurance Exclusions

Flood insurance is an optional coverage designed to protect your home and belongings in case of a flood. You can often add this insurance to your home, renters or business insurance policy since floods are typically excluded from basic coverages.  Unfortunately, even flood insurance won’t cover all water damage you may suffer. It is important […]
August 24, 2021

What Is A Surety Bond?

A surety bond refers to a contract formed between three parties. The three parties are the principal, the surety, and the obligee. The purpose of a surety bond is confirmation of the surety’s responsibility to ensure that the principal will behave in accordance with the bond’s terms. Read this article to learn more about surety […]
August 3, 2021

How to Prepare for Your Trip to Mexico

Are you planning to travel to Mexico? The land south of the border shares common bonds with the United States. Cross-border travel remains an important bedrock of both countries’ economic development. Traveling in Mexico can provide Americans with one of a kind cultural experiences.  But, to travel internationally, you have to make preparations to protect […]
July 21, 2021

What Kind of Insurance is Required for an RV?

As long as recreational vehicles are used on the road, they must have insurance. As with car insurance, states have varying auto insurance requirements when it comes to RVs. Be sure to check with your state about the minimum requirements. Most states require:  Bodily injury liability, which covers medical expenses and legal expenses related to injuries […]
July 15, 2021

Factors Affecting Your Trucking Insurance Costs

As a dump truck driver, you may haul anything from junk to the junk yard, to marketable commodities to construction sites and other properties. You have to protect your vehicle, the cargo, your business and yourself. That’s why you need trucking insurance. Even though you might think you haul something relatively inexpensive, that’s not the […]
June 29, 2021

Are You Prepared? – Floods

Flooding can be caused by a variety of different things, including excessive rain, snowmelt, and waterway overflow. In addition to there being different causes of flooding, there are different types, which include flash floods, overland flooding and general flooding.   Be aware of flood hazards no matter where you live or work, but especially if you […]
June 17, 2021

Improving Your Motorcycle Habits

Motorcyclists must follow high standards. Each state punishes reckless driving, particularly if the offender has previous citations on their record. Though you might feel tempted to burn rubber, prepare to face the consequences if you do.   If you receive charges while on your motorcycle, those will show up driving record. The more rules you break, […]
May 26, 2021

Secure Parking Facilities

Whether an organization owns a parking structure or provides parking facilities to employees through a third party, there are associated risks. In addition to slips and falls, parking structure users are vulnerable to auto accidents, theft, harassment and assault. Parking lots and structures typically have lax security, making protection difficult. Thankfully, numerous measures can lessen […]

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