
June 6, 2014

Pool Safety Tips for Homeowners

If you are a homeowner with a pool, you should be aware of the dangers of drowning. Although a pool provides fun entertainment in the hot summer months, the risk of drowning or near drowning needs to be taken seriously. Over 3,500 people die per year due to unintentional drowning. Of those, one fifth are children under the […]
May 27, 2014

Is Your State’s Minimum Auto Insurance Enough?

If you operate a vehicle on your state’s highways, you must have evidence of financial responsibility in the vehicle at all times. Financial responsibility can be satisfied in different ways, but the most common way to meet this legal obligation is to buy auto liability insurance. It is important for you to understand the minimum […]
May 20, 2014

How to Protect Your Car in the Extreme Heat

Cars are built to last for years, but the sweltering rays of summer can crack or warp your dashboard and other interior components, along with the paint job. Protect your car during bouts of extreme heat using the following tips. Internal Care The air conditioner is crucial in very hot climates. Because this system works […]
May 15, 2014

Why Renters May Need Extra Contents Coverage

Is everything you own covered by your renters insurance policy? If you don’t know the answer off the top of your head, then chances are you’re underinsured. Many renters opt for the cheapest renters policy, which typically covers $10,000 worth of property, along with some liability coverage. However, the average renter owns approximately $20,000 worth […]
May 5, 2014

3 Home Fire Hazards to Avoid

Though home fires are more common during the winter, they continue to be one of the biggest risks for homeowners throughout the rest of the year as well. Approximately 400,000 house fires are reported each year, most of which could’ve been prevented. How? Let’s look at three of the most common examples. Candles: Many people […]
April 23, 2014

Coverage Options for Your Motorcycle

Just like with cars, there are many coverage options for motorcyclists that range far beyond the minimum state requirements for liability insurance. Many people opt to buy collision and comprehensive coverage, while enthusiasts may be willing to spend a bit more for complete protection. Talk to your agent about which coverage options are right for […]
April 15, 2014

What is Equipment Breakdown Insurance?

As technology develops, more and more businesses rely on computers and other electronic devices in order to maintain daily operations. Not to mention, businesses, for years, have used heating/cooling systems, phone systems and break room appliances. But what would your business do if this equipment malfunctioned or if a power surge zapped a company server? […]
April 9, 2014

Tips for Minimizing Office Hazards

As far as workplaces go, offices are generally among the safest. But why not make them even safer with a bit of extra effort? A safer workplace gives your employees a greater opportunity to stay well and also helps maximize their productivity. Not to mention, the less workers compensation claims filed, the less you generally […]
April 2, 2014

Why Your Car Needs TLC to Last for Years

Routine maintenance is vital for a car’s longevity. A little bit of extra attention, particularly for older cars, can mean less time at the mechanic and more time on the road. Check your owner’s manual each month to see if you’re due for any maintenance and visually monitor the following for signs of wear and […]
March 26, 2014

Tips for Managing Business Finances

With tax season upon us, there’s no better time to brush up on methods of managing your business finances. Even if you’ve already filed this year, the following tips can help you prepare for next year. And the best part yet, organizing your business expenses only takes a few minutes each day. Let’s get started. […]

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