
May 4, 2015

Common Home Insurance Myths Debunked

Numerous myths exist regarding home insurance policies. Unfortunately, these misleading myths can deter people from acquiring the coverage they actually need. Homeowners often assume they are adequately covered, only to find out they had incorrect information. By the time they learn the truth, it may be too late. Let’s debunk some common home insurance myths […]
April 4, 2015

Marketing Tips for Your New Business

Opening up a new business takes a massive amount of hard work and a large chunk of cash. And that’s just the first step. As your business becomes fully operational, you have to market it to drum up interest and new customers. While thinking about your marketing plan, consider these tips. Branding: Everything that represents […]
March 7, 2015

5 Things to Keep in Mind for Springtime Driving

For many, the arrival of spring is cause for celebration. But as always, when getting in your vehicle, it’s important to stay alert and vigilant about safety. With the arrival of spring comes some new challenges for drivers. Keep these tips in mind, whether you’re driving across town or have a longer road trip in […]
February 3, 2015

The Basics of Auto Dealer Bonds

In all 50 states, car dealerships are required to post an auto dealer bond — a type of commercial surety bond — in order to get fully licensed. Where insurance protects your business, bonds are designed to protect customers. Essentially, a bond acts as a contract between the dealership, customers and a surety company. If […]
January 13, 2015

Tips for Filing a Renters Insurance Claim

No one wants to have to deal with filing a claim on their renters insurance, but if an incident arises, it’s best to know what to do in advance to make the process as smoothly as possible. Being prepared for the worst has helped many people get the full compensation due to them from their […]
December 12, 2014

3 Things Every Teen Driver’s Parent Should Know About Auto Insurance

For most parents, watching their child get a driver’s license and embark on a life on the road is nerve wracking. Between worrying about auto accidents and dealing with high insurance costs, the process can be quite stressful for some. However, a bit of knowledge can help you navigate your child’s newfound independence—without watching your […]
November 27, 2014

Use Candles with Care in Apartments

There’s nothing quite like burning candles during autumn—the warm glow and pleasant aroma add joy to many homes as the weather cools. But with any open flame comes the risk of fire. And when you live in an apartment, a fire can present a hazard to everyone who shares the building. However, it’s easy to […]
November 22, 2014

How a Bond Can Protect Your Business

As a contractor, you know all too well that your business requires a level of trust from your clients. Being that you must enter their homes, your reputation directly correlates with that trust and therefore your success. You may have some good word-of-mouth buzz and a few good reviews on Yelp, but how else can […]
November 15, 2014

Do You Need Gap Insurance?

Buying a new car is a big investment, but unlike your home, cars depreciate in value very quickly. In fact, your car will lose about 30 percent of its value within a year and about half of its value with three years. But it often takes four to five years to fully pay off your […]
November 8, 2014

Planning a Team Building Event

Your employees’ ability to work together and communicate efficiently as a team is critical to the continued success of your business. Many employers understand the importance of team building events; however, it takes more than a mere team lunch or trip to the museum to spawn good teamwork. The best team building events have a […]

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