
August 13, 2019

Understanding Cash Value Motorcycle Insurance

If your motorcycle gets damaged, then you can expect to have to make repairs. It’s likely going to cost you money to do so, and you might want your motorcycle insurance to help you pay for it. If the bike is a total loss, then you can expect the problem to be a bit more […]
July 16, 2019

Property Damage Liability Insurance in Business Coverage

There’s a chance that you might cause harm to someone else while trying to provide your business services. Sometimes, the problem you cause involves property damage. Because the damage might be your fault, you therefore might have to repay that other party for their losses. The appropriate property damage liability insurance policy will help you […]
July 5, 2019

The Added Value and Liability of Aging in Place

Getting older often merits a few special considerations for anyone. It doesn’t mean you need to become home-bound or isolated. However, you might need to take a few extra precautions to make your home safer to occupy. On one hand, you might install additional security mechanisms; on the other, you might need to make structural […]
June 27, 2019

Do Offsite Injuries Qualify for Workers Compensation?

Working doesn’t mean you sit behind a desk all day in one spot. You might have to leave the office to do business. Or, you might work outside the office on your regular course of duties. Because you might not be on the business premises all day, you might wonder if accidents occurring offsite will […]
June 11, 2019

Ready to Retire? It’s Time to Review Your Car Insurance

Are you planning to retire in the next few years? It is a big step to take, that’s for sure. But, retirement also opens up a whole new chapter of your life. All the same, a new chapter means making some changes to your life. That also means reexamining your financial assets and your insurance […]
May 28, 2019

Medical Payments Protection for Boaters

You want every boating excursion you take to be safe and fun. However, you can never guarantee that problems will not occur. Accidents or other mishaps might occur, and when they do, they might damage your vessel or someone else’s. Worse still, they might hurt you, your passengers or other boaters. What can you do […]
May 13, 2019

Why You Have to Get the Minimum Texas SR-22

All drivers present varying levels of risk when they get behind the wheel. However, some present more than others.  Most people carry car insurance to help protect themselves and others from the ramifications that these risks might trigger. Still, it is doubly important that the highest-risk drivers carry this coverage. As a result, the State […]
April 24, 2019

Live in a Low-Lying Area, You Might Need Flood Insurance

El Paso isn’t close to the Atlantic Ocean. It doesn’t lie in a particularly flat area, either. However, just because you might not think the terrain is high-risk, there is still a flood threat in the area. So, if you plan to buy a home, you might find out you need flood insurance? Why is […]
April 10, 2019

Common Workers’ Compensation Risks on Landscaping Sites

Landscaping is as important as construction when it comes to ensuring a property’s integrity. If you don’t do it right, you could compromise the structure you seek to beautify instead. However, even as low-risk as beautification might seem, it still can be risky from time to time. The professional landscapers who spend a lot of […]
January 15, 2018

Commercial Insurance — Why It’s So Important

Commercial insurance is a must for business owners in the State of Texas. There are three main types of insurance under the umbrella of commercial insurance: property, liability, and workers’ compensation. These three types of insurance work in tandem to provide business owners, employees and clients alike with the peace of mind they deserve. Pan […]

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