Commercial Insurance — Why It’s So Important
Commercial insurance is a must for business owners in the State of Texas. There are three main types of insurance under the umbrella of commercial insurance: property, liability, and workers’ compensation. These three types of insurance work in tandem to provide business owners, employees and clients alike with the peace of mind they deserve. Pan American Insurance provides commercial insurance to businesses in the San Antonio area.
Understanding Property Insurance
Whether you’re running a restaurant or a furniture store, property insurance is a necessity. This type of insurance helps pay for losses and damages that have occurred to real property. Fire damage tends to be covered under most property insurance policies but business owners are able to opt for additional types of coverage. Crime insurance, for instance, falls under the denomination of property insurance and can be a valuable option for businesses that stock valuable items.
The Truth About Liability Insurance
Although all business owners strive for their commercial space to be safe, injuries can still occur. In these instances, it’s necessary to have liability insurance in case the injured party decides to sue the company. Since lawsuits are consume both time and money, it’s best to have liability insurance in order to appease the cost of the defense, eventually leading to the resolution of the suit. Much like property insurance, liability insurance can include specialized options such as malpractice insurance.
Workers’ Compensation: Keep Your Employees Safe
Business owners must have workers’ compensation insurance in order to protect employees from injuries that occur on the job. If an injury occurs, the workers’ compensation insurance will allow the injured employee to recover peacefully without having to worry about paying bills or lost wages from work.
Where to Find the Right Commercial Insurance
There are many options available for commercial insurance. Depending on the company’s specific needs, a personalized insurance plan can help business owners and employees feel safe. Pan American Insurance, in San Antonio , provides all the necessary commercial insurance options for business owners, employees, and clients to feel safe and confident. Without insurance, many things can go awry. In order to succeed in the professional sector, it’s always best to be prepared to face whatever may come. Commercial insurance is able to provide the peace of mind necessary for all sides to be confident and secure. Contact Pan American Insurance today to learn more about what we have to offer!