Motion Detection Lights and Your Homeowners Insurance
Most people in law enforcement will tell you that light and sound are great ways to frustrate a possible burglar. But if you are like some of us, you don’t want bright lights on all the time outside your home. You like to look outside your window or patio doors and see the stars and the moon. At the same time, you know the value of outdoor lighting.
An easy solution is motion detection lights. All home improvement stores sell these and a handyman can easily install them for you.
There are all types of lights:
- You can choose lights that automatically come on at sundown and go off at sunup. When motion is detected, the light gets brighter.
- There are lights that have a short range and a long range. You can see the range on the box. If the light is for an enclosed porch area, then get a shorter range.
- Some of the newer motion detector lights include a solar panel so you are saving on electricity while adding to the safety of your home.
- Some lights allow you to choose the sensing distance, or how far away motion should be detected.
After deciding what you want, you then need to decide how much light you want. At night, go outside where you will have the motion sensor light and decide how far you want the light to shine. Knowing that distance will help you when purchasing a light. A home improvement store or handyman will use that distance to help you determine the wattage you want.
We know, lots of decisions for just a light! Yes, but once you make those decisions, you will have the light that is perfect for your home. After it is installed, you will know that your home is safer since light does frustrate a possible burglar.
Your safe home may cost less to insure. Call Pan American Insurance at (915) 562-0009 for more information on homeowners insurance El Paso TX.
Categories: Blog
Tags: burglary prevention, el paso, home insurance, homeowners, insurance, motion detection lights, outdoor lighting, texas