November 22, 2013

Insuring Small Business-Owned Vehicles

Small truckMany small business have double-use cars, meaning that these vehicles are used for both personal and work-related driving. A one-woman caterer may use her personal car to deliver food to events. A contractor may use his personal truck to haul tools to work sites. A tailor may use his personal car to pick up supplies and deliver clothing back to customers. So how does a small business owner insure their double-use car?

Commercial auto insurance can fill in the gaps left behind by your personal auto insurance. Without commercial coverage, your claims could be denied because the use of your car violates the terms of your personal policy. But with commercial auto insurance, your policy covers the increased liability risks that result from daily business operations. For instance, if you transport goods for customers and get into an accident, you will be held liable for damages to those goods (along with the damages caused to the other vehicles involved if you’re at fault).

This specialized form of business insurance can extend coverage to hired and non-owned vehicles, non-owned trailers hauled under an interchange agreement, rental reimbursement, specialized work equipment hauled by your vehicle and can also protect the insured and his or her employees while driving vehicles not owned by the business.

Your independent agent will work with you in determining the unique needs of your small business and its vehicles. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to seek help from a professional agent, who will shop around for a policy that offers the right coverage at the right price.

Need coverage for your business-owned vehicles? Call Pan American Insurance at (915) 562-0009 for a El Paso commercial auto insurance quote.

Categories: Blog

Tags: commercial auto insurance, el paso, insurance, small business, tx

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