September 30, 2013

Various Car Insurance Discounts

Girl in carThere are very few people on the planet who aren’t interested in finding a bargain, and that goes for insurance buyers as well as other types of deal hunters. If you are willing to shop around for El Paso auto insurance, there are a few discount opportunities you should be aware of.

Multi-policy discounts: The multi-policy discounts function several ways. First, if you own multiple automobiles and family members to insure with one insurance company, you may be able to get a discount when you do. Second, if you own a house and a car, or a car and a recreational vehicle to insure and you do so with one company, you may be entitled to discounts.

  1. Safe driving classes: Being a safe driver is essential to you and your family because it restricts your risk of accident—but it’s also important to your insurance company for a similar reason. When you take a safe driving class you not only show your insurance company that you are dedicated to being a safe driver, but you also learn the skills that allow you to actually become one. This reduces the amount of claims you are likely to file and makes you a less expensive risk for car insurance companies. How do they compensate you? With a lower rate.
  2. Good student discounts: Insurance companies love to compensate good performance—because those customers who behave in such a manner generally exhibit less risk from an insurer’s perspective. High school students with high grades may find that their auto insurance company offers significant discounts when they maintain a GPA above a certain level.
  3. Paid-in-full discounts: Insurance policy premiums can be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually. Because insurance companies can earn more money on an annual premium paid-in-full at the beginning of the term, they frequently offer financial incentives for you to do so. 
  4. EFT discounts: The transfer of your insurance premiums straight from your bank account to your insurance company isn’t only a simple method of getting your insurance policy paid, it’s an efficient method. You will have one less check to write each month, one less stamp to buy, and your insurance company may offer you a discount for doing so.

For more information about auto insurance, give Pan American Insurance a call at 888-726-3380.

Categories: Blog

Tags: auto insurance, car insurance el paso texas, el paso, el paso auto insurance, texas

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