Home » Marketing Tips for Your New Business
abril 4, 2015

Marketing Tips for Your New Business

WritingOpening up a new business takes a massive amount of hard work and a large chunk of cash. And that’s just the first step. As your business becomes fully operational, you have to market it to drum up interest and new customers. While thinking about your marketing plan, consider these tips.

  • Branding: Everything that represents your business—website, social media, business cards, brochures, emails and more—should be uniform in design to build your branding. Colors, fonts and a logo should be written into your business’ style guide. Think of iconic brandings, like MacDonald’s golden arches over a red field or Target’s red bulls-eye. Your customers should be able to look at your marketing materials and think of your business.

  • Web traffic: With so much online competition, it’s important to actively work on your online presence to boost web traffic. Regularly scour your website for typos and broken links, then fix them. Writing a weekly or monthly blog helps keep your site fresh with new material for search engines to crawl. Participate on various social media platforms and get involved in discussions about industry topics. Set yourself up to be a knowledgeable member of the industry.

  • Networking: Carry business cards with you because you never know who you’re going to meet. The person in line behind you at a sandwich shop may be able to help you gain business leads, or vice versa. Attend industry seminars and conferences. The more networking you do, the higher your chances of becoming more successful.

  • Email marketing: As you gather customers’ email addresses, develop an email marketing schedule so you can send out newsletters and promotions. Discounts and coupons are a great way to bring people back into your place of business. Remember, your customers are looking for value, so that’s what you need to provide in these emails.

While it’s important to focus your attention on marketing your business, stop for a few hours to consider business insurance. After working so hard to build up your business, why not protect it from unforeseen disaster?

We’ll help you get started today. Call Pan American Insurance at (915) 562-0009 for more information on El Paso business insurance.

Categories: Sin categorizar

Tags: business, commercial insurance, el paso, insurance, marketing, texas

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